Some housekeeping

Regular vistors (all three of you) do not fear. This is still the same blog that you’ve all grown up with and loved. In the spirit of Pauline Hanson’s remarkable transition from a pathetic politician to a pathetic dancer (with a brief stint in the hole in between), I too decided to give this site a bit of a makeover.

Never really liked the look of the old template, it was so April 2005. I find this new one much cleaner, sexier, and easier on the eye.

And I’ve decided to change the name of the blog from ‘That’s it I’m going home’ to ‘These Days’. I think I may have been under the influence when I came up with the original name, or just really pissed off at the world; going through one of my emo stages. Or maybe I just wanted to go home.

I figured that ‘These Days’, apart from being the title of the greatest ever song by the greatest ever band to come out of this side of Brisbane (that’s Powderfinger to the rest of you), at least has some relevance to blogging in general.

Have a nice day.

Update: It’s been drawn to my attention that this new template doesn’t display properly on Internet Explorer 6. The sidebar for some reason isn’t where it’s suppose to be. To overcome this, I suggest you use Firefox instead (once you start, you don’t know why you ever used IE in the first place). But if you won’t listen to me; I’m working on it…

Update 2: It’s all good.

One Response to Some housekeeping

  1. Jayna says:

    Hello, Jimmy! I think ur pretty biased about eco 🙂 but that’s ok cause you really like economics. yeah i guess my opportunity cost is very high i could be lazing around on a nice tropical island sipping a nice frosty beverage instead of doing economics study! it seems to forever be haunting me! i think the economics department should fund economics students to a nice holiday somewhere to study economics! then i guess eco would be very appealing to me, the marginal benefit would outweigh the costs 😀 i then i guess the demand for economics will go up and the eco department might get extra funding and the lecturers could buy themselves nice plushhy chairs! see benefits all round! anyways, enough about economics! i like ur new layout for your site, its very refreshing, but i kind of liked it in ur other layout how you had ur links on the left hand side. anywhoo, GOOD LUCK with exams & study!

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